Press Release Posting Guidelines

For your press release to qualify for our News & Features, Community or Video sections, your post must:

1) Meet The Speed Journal standards (professionally written, grammatically correct, etc.) and pertain to one of the following topics:

  • Automotive, Motorsports & Motorcycle:
    News, Results, Auctions, Product Information, Parts/Services, How-To, etc.
  • Luxury Lifestyle:
    Technology, Yachting-Boating, Aeronautics, Cycling, Food, Wine, Cigars, Video Gaming, etc.
  • Travel:
    Vacation Destinations, Luxury Hotels Reviews, Adventure, etc.
  • Technology
    Automotive Apps, EV/Hybrid, Clean Energy, Autonomous Vehicles, etc.

2) Include at least one image (minimum of 900×600 pixels).

3) Be created/owned by you (the submitter), or have express written permission to use submitted materials including images.

  • Once your post has been submitted, created and reviewed, a link to your post will be emailed to you (usually within 12-24 hours).
  • The Speed Journal maintains the right to refuse to publish any news/article for any reason.

Terms of Service

By submitting your press release on The Speed Journal you:

  • State that you own/created or have express written permission to use all submitted materials (textual, photographic and video content).
  • Accept all risk, responsibility and consequences arising from third party disputes regarding the use of submitted materials (textual, photographic and video content).